Donations to Beazer’s Garden Urban Environmental Education
Services (BGUEE) support our mission to promote interdisciplinary
lifelong learning and appreciation about our connection to plants.
We hope you will continue to support us as we pursue our mission through ongoing programs to meaningfully engage future generations. Please consider making a donation so we can continue to support NYC schools, to offer scholarships for students to attend our afterschool programs, to provide gainful employment to eco educators, and to provide volunteer and stewardship opportunities for future generations.
Your tax-deductible contribution will advance the efforts of BGUEE to re-connect
people with the science and magic of plants

All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated.
Donations of $100 will receive a thank you card.
Donations of $250 or more will receive an item of choice from our Eco Merch.
Donations of $500 or more will receive a deluxe BGUEE Merch Giftset
BGUEE’s impact over the past year:

Each year, our creative and professional eco educators connect people of all ages and walks of life with ideas around urban gardening, farming, nutrition, sustainability, stewardship and the endless discoveries that surround us in nature.
We have much to celebrate and be thankful for!- We provided a supportive work environment and employed 8 educators across youth and adult programs.
- We provided STEAM based eco-content to over 1800 participants across NYC.
- Raised $15,000 in grants to support our goals.
- BGUEE was able to give 20 scholarships this year to attend our afterschool programs.
- Our Board hosted staff appreciation and development days to show our commitment to talented educators in the field.